Small studio snapshot by Archinect

“In 2016, the Storefront for Art and Architecture held an unusual design competition asking architects to compete for the most creative way to tear down a building. The brief had come out of a prior competition, the New York non-profit's 'Competition of Competitions', in which David Bench and Jonathan Chesley proposed the idea for a dream-up demolition competition. 

At the time, the two were beginning to form their own studio, born out of lunchtime chatter with one another in Union Square Park. Now, the New York-based INC_A (which stands for 'It’s Not Corporate Architecture') is busy growing as a design firm, working on a number of public and semi-public projects. For this week's Studio Snaphot, we talk with Bench and Chesley about their radical proposals and many evolutions as a practice.”

Read the full interview by Mackenzie Goldberg to David and Jonathan here!

Jonathan Chesley